
The ‘Future Weather Generator’ is a Java app for researchers and building design professionals. It morphs present-day hourly EPW files used in dynamic simulation to match climate change scenarios and the urban heat island effect.

The app is free, open-source, and cross-platform. Researchers can use the app as a standalone tool or integrate it into their research code. Building design professionals can also use this app to create future weather data to evaluate a building’s energy performance.

Currently, ‘Future Weather Generator’ has implemented the following general circulation models’ experiments to predict the impact of climate change:

In addition, it includes the possibility to add the effect of urban heat island effect based on the following characteristics:

  • Summer and winter daily maximum and minimum air temperatures averaged between 2004 and 2018.
  • Temperature differences between urban and 10-km buffer of up to 31,500 population agglomerations limits.
  • A clustering technique was used to capture urban and 10-km buffer temperature variations.
  • Relative humidity is recalculated according to the morphed temperature using psychrometric functions.

There is also ‘Future Weather Generator PT Ed.‘, which covers Portugal’s mainland and utilizes the following regional climate model:

  • WRF (baseline 1995-2014)
    • Shared Socioeconomic Pathways:
      SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, and SSP5-8.5
    • Timeframes:
      2055 (2046-2065)
      2090 (2081-2100)
    • Monthly changes:
      Median of the twenty months in the timeframe
      Median of the five hottest months from the timeframe
      Median of the five coldest months from the timeframe
    • Grid points:
      8,400 (120 latitudes by 70 longitudes)


Future Weather Generator

Future Weather Generator PT Ed.